4 Myths About Rubber Flooring Busted
4 Myths About Rubber Flooring Busted

However, when anything becomes more popular, myths and rumors are sure to follow.
In the article below, we’ll dive into some of these myths and take a look at the truth behind them! Continue reading to learn more!
Rubber Flooring Contains Harmful Chemicals
The mere existence of a chemical doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous. Over 100 studies have confirmed that rubber flooring is a safe flooring material. Another toxic chemical concern with rubber floors is the mercury emissions from the rubber. However, that myth only pertains to an older rubber floor style that was made using mercury-containing rubber that was discontinued in the 1980s. Modern synthetic rubber floors do not release mercury vapors.
Rubber Flooring will Make the Room Smell like a Tire Shop
Rubber Flooring is Unattractive
Not only will rubber floors improve the functionality of your space, but they’ll also add beauty, depth, and character to your room. Rubber floors aren’t limited to workspaces and gyms. These flooring systems can be luxury, designer floors for even the most sophisticated space with the variety of choices out there today!